2 posts tagged

scavenger hunt


ART 195 x The Escalette Collection: Art Hunt!

July 16, 2024 by Natalie Teeter | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

This past Spring semester, Art and Text (ART 195), the introductory class for all studio art and art history majors and minors, piloted an exciting class project with the Escalette Collection of Art, an academic unit of Wilkinson College. Art and Text (ART 195) educates art students on how we view the world through visual

Introducing the Escalette Scavenger Hunt and Crossword Puzzle! Fun, at-home activities!

April 13, 2020 by | Escalette Permanent Collection of Art

Are you looking for a fun activity to do at home? Put your detective skills to the test with the Escalette Collection’s scavenger hunt or crossword puzzle. Escalette Collection Digital Scavenger Hunt Instructions: First, you’ll want to pull up our eMuseum website (wilkinsonartcollections.chapman.edu). This site allows you to explore all the works in the Escalette

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