Partial Eclipse Viewing on Campus Informal Gathering with Dean Price and Physics Faculty
August 18, 2017
Join Dean Jerry Price and Schmid College physicists for an informal gathering to view the partial eclipse in Attallah Piazza. This gathering is open to everyone!
While Old Towne Orange isn’t on the path of the total solar eclipse happening Monday, August 21, we will be able to view about 62% of this “eclipse of a generation”.
The eclipse is expected reach maximum viewing at 10:21 a.m. so make sure you’re in the Piazza before then!
Solar-viewing safety glasses will be provided first-come, first-serve (supplies limited), and Schmid College physics faculty will be on-hand to answer questions about what we’re seeing. The peak of the partial eclipse is expected at 10:21 a.m.
IMPORTANT: Never look at the Sun directly without protective eye gear. Even sunglasses cannot protect your eyes from the damage the Sun’s rays can do to them.
Good options for viewing are solar-viewing safety glasses or pinhole projection. Learn to make your own box pinhole projector here or watch this video: