100 posts categorized in



Endless summers: Memories from Old Towne ‘Then … and Now’

June 28, 2016 by | Updates

Have an Old Towne summer story or memory you’d like to share? Join the conversation by emailing your stories to Alisa Driscoll at driscoll@chapman.edu and we’ll assemble them in a blog post next week here at NeighborsofChapman.com. Enjoy the summer! Ice cream on summer afternoons. Concerts in the park. A dip in

A Profile of Chapman’s Graduating Seniors

June 3, 2016 by | Updates

Each year thousands of students across the United States complete the College Senior Survey, a national survey from the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA. The results below profile Chapman University’s class of 2015. Over 400 graduating seniors completed the survey online, resulting in a 26% response rate. A few highlights: 26.2% of students held a

Helicoper to lift A/C equipment onto Roosevelt Hall

May 31, 2016 by | Updates

As part of the renovation project on Roosevelt Hall, Chapman’s HVAC contractor will be utilizing a helicopter to lift heavy air conditioning equipment onto the roof of the building. This will take place on Saturday, June 4, 2016 between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. Roosevelt Hall is located at the northeast corner of Palm and Glassell and

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