Thirteen theatre performance majors wrapping up their degree requirements will show their best work and formally launch their professional careers as they take the stage Thursday, May 2, at the Beverly Hills Playhouse in Beverly Hills, CA.

The BFA Showcase is akin to a coming-out party for the Department of Theatre’s graduating thespians. They’ll perform a variety of short pieces for a professional audience of television and studio executives, agents and casting directors. Often it proves to be a launching pad into professional work, said Jonathan Pope Evans, assistant professor of theatre. Professor Evans teaches the senior course in which students prepare for the showcase, as well as learn the business side of managing an acting career.

“Some of our students have meetings based on that performance, and some people get auditions,” Professor Evans said. “It helps you jump-start your career.”

The BFA Showcase will also be performed at Chapman University on Sunday, May 5, at 2 p.m. in the Entertainment Technology Center. Reservations are required and may be arranged by emailing Professor Evans at

The senior students are:  Jordan Bellow, Matthew Bokuniwicz, Bethany Bonnaud, Matthew Brown, A.J. Costa, Angela Formisano, Matthew Gallenstein,  Ali Hill, Anthony Maglio, Darienne Orlansky, Natalie Rice, Travor Shor and Matthew Stoner.