The Henry Kemp-Blair Shakespeare Festival is an annual event hosted by Chapman University’s Department of Theatre.  This year’s festival will take place February 14 and 15.  All California high schools are invited, but only 21 can participate.  Our participants come from as far away as Novato, San Diego and Palm Springs and as close as Anaheim and Santa Ana.  The festival consists of theatrical workshops with Chapman faculty members as well as scene, monologue and design presentations.  The festival is named for Henry Kemp-Blair, a past professor who is largely credited with bringing Shakespeare to Chapman.  The goal of the festival is to, in turn, bring Shakespeare to high school students.  The festival director is Professor Tom Bradac, formerly with Shakespeare Orange County, who enjoys focusing the festival on education about the bard.  After two days of the festival, it is agreed by all that they truly have had a Shakespearience!