Rachel Kelly is a Theatre Performance major with a minor in Musical Theatre and a Media, Culture & Society cluster. Last summer she immersed herself in the entertainment industry with multiple internships at Hollywire, ICM Partners, and Stewart Talent LA. Read on to learn more about her experience.

“Last summer I interned at Hollywire where we did celebrity coverage for young adult stars! I also attended the Cannes film festival where I interned for ICM Partners. And to top it all off I was an intern at Stewart Talent LA. I used the summer to see what other aspects of the business interest me. As an actor it was really helpful to see other parts of the industry and to know there are many avenues I can take after graduation!

“My best advice for CoPA students who want to find internships is just to look everywhere. I knew I wanted to do internships in the industry and with so many options in LA it can be overwhelming when applying. I really focused on PR and talent agencies because that is an avenue of the business that excites me. Remember that companies NEED interns and want you to be perfect for the job. Even though you might have the perfect qualifications, you might not get them. I also applied to over 25 jobs and didn’t even hear back from half of them. But the right opportunities will come and they will shape you into a better person and employee. This summer taught me the ropes of the business and how I can best apply my skills to serve me in the professional world.”

College of Performing Arts Career Resources

Chapman University and CoPA offer comprehensive personalized career services for students and alumni. CoPA students not only enjoy access to university-wide career services with Career and Professional Development but also program- and industry-specific support with their CoPA College Career Advisor.