
Trevor Shor and Gabi Hankins in Company.

Nine Department of Theatre majors will be attending the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival Regional Festival in Los Angeles February 14-16, 2013 to compete in acting and directing competitions.  The Irene Ryan Acting Competition nominees are selected by guest respondents for outstanding performances in Theatre productions in the previous calendar year.  For
Rimers of Eldritch,
the nominees are Gabi Hankins (’14) and Jenna Tovey (’15); for
the nominees are Matthew Bokuniewcz, (’13) and Sierra Stenzel (’14).  For
Help! The Student Produced One Acts
the nominee is Ryan Stathos (’14); for
the nominees are Angelia Formisano (’13) and Trevor Shor (’13).  Jenna Selby (’13) will be competing in the SSDC Student Director Competition.

The KCACTF Regional Festival takes place at the Los Angeles Theatre Center in downtown Los Angeles.  All students are eligible for awards and the regional level, and may advance to the National Festival, held at the Kennedy Center each year in April.