
In March 2013,  assistant professor of theatre Jocelyn Buckner presented the paper “’The History of America is the History of Private Property’: The Politics of Home, Humor, Hate, and History in
Clybourne Park
A Raisin in the Sun
,” and served as panel chair for “Staging the Nation: Three Centuries of Constructing National Identity in ‘American’ Drama and Performance” at the Comparative Drama Conference in Baltimore, MD.  Professor Buckner also published a double book review of
Second Skin: Josephine Baker & the Modern Surface
by Anne Anlin Cheng and
A Dangerous Woman: the Life, Loves, and Scandals of Adah Isaacs Menken, 1835-1868, America’s Original Superstar
by Michael and Barbara Foster in the peer-reviewed journal
Theatre Survey
54.2 (May 2013).