Greater Life Satisfaction, Dr. Boehm Study Published Worldwide
Greater life satisfaction in adults older than 50 years of age is found to be related to a reduced risk of morality. Dr. Julia Boehm , Assistant Professor of Psychology for Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences , has gained worldwide media attention for recent research findings . The study, which is the first

Chapman University Publishes Research on Life Satisfaction and its Association with Mortality Risk in Older Adults
In a study just published by researchers at Chapman University, findings showed that greater life satisfaction in adults older than 50 years of age is related to a reduced risk of mortality. The researchers also found that variability in life satisfaction across time increases risk of mortality, but only among less satisfied people. The study

Psychology & Health Science Senior Awards Reception
As the 2014-2015 academic year came to an end, Chapman University’s Crean College hosted a senior awards reception on the evening of May 21st. Students arrived alongside the support of family and friends in Crean Hall’s atrium and were greeted with turquoise stoles as a token of the college’s appreciation. Dr. Janeen Hill, Dean

Global Travels - Dr. Nicole Marquez Presents at IAFOR
What has our DPT faculty been up to this spring? International travels to present research! Dr. Nicole Marquez ‘ research, completed with five Crean College Doctorate of Physical Therapy students, was accepted by the International Academic Forum, IAFOR . Dr. Marquez received the honor to travel to the 2015 IAFOR International Conference

An Impressive Group, Achievements at Student Research Day
With a thought provoking poster, Yasmin Akbari presented her research on ‘Reducing the Negative Effects of Media Exposure on Body Image: The Effectiveness of Subvertising and Warning Labels’ with advisor Dr. David Frederick . Research included over 800 study participants and found no sizeable difference in body image perception when images included warning

DPT Holds Notable Student Research Day
Held at the Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus , students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and family gathered to view the Crean C ollege DPT Class of 2015 student research presentations. Telerehabilitation, robotic devices, body mass perception, gait analysis, and dance therapy were just some of the interesting projects the students displayed. As we

Local experts share with students at the Health Science Majors Meeting
Students and faculty gathered to enjoy complimentary pizza and beverages while learning about potential career paths and opportunities from local experts and recruiters in their field. The Health Science Majors meeting was held on April 16, 2015 in Crean Hall. Dr. Kenneth Sumida created the event as a way to involve students

Studying the Science of Running
The 11th annual Orange County Marathon is upon us, an event attracting participants from all over the nation. As they make their way from Fashion Island to the Fairgrounds, tens of thousands of runners will be on a quest to fulfill a personal dream. Do all these people really consider themselves runners? Sure, the elite

Lisa Bombarda: 2015 CSD Scholarship Winner
The winner of the 2015 Baldwin Scholarship is Lisa Bombarda, a first-year graduate student at Chapman University’s Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Masters Program, soon to be housed at Crean College . She lives in Anaheim, attended Rosary High School in Fullerton, and earned her undergraduate degree at UCLA. She was introduced to the Scottish

Honoring Those Who Give Life to Science, Donor Memorial Ceremony
My donor taught me… “The amazing complexity of the human body and how generosity can continue beyond death.” Crean College’s Department of Physical Therapy students read cards aloud to honor the individuals that have selflessly given their bodies to further health science education. Some with moving statements, others marked with respectful humor regarding their