65 posts tagged

Crean College


Upcoming Marriage and Family Therapy Workshops

July 7, 2014 by | Events

The Frances Smith Center for Individual and Family Therapy presents a series of workshops designed for seasoned professionals and those who are new to the field of Marriage and Family Therapy. All of the featured workshops provide Continuing Education Credits (CEU). Make sure to save these dates! Introduction to Sand Tray Therapy* Friday, August 1, 2014 |

Coping With Infertility

June 12, 2014 by David Ogul | News

This article, written by David Ogul, originally appeared on the Los Angeles Times website. A Chapman University expert discusses fertility problems and treatments. Brennan Peterson knows well the mental anguish that couples face when dealing with infertility. The associate professor of psychology is also the director of Chapman University’s Marriage and Family

Chapman University partners with Saddleback College in Science Programs

April 24, 2014 by | News

From the Chapman University Press Room: Chapman University and  Saddleback College  have joined forces in an effort to create more graduates in the sciences. In a formal agreement to be signed by the two schools on April 21, the partnership aligns Saddleback College’s science programs with Chapman’s Schmid College of Science and Technology majors

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