2023-2024 Fowler School of Engineering Senator: Zuleyka Urieta ’26 We welcome our new Fowler Senator for the upcoming school year!
August 10, 2023
Introducing Zuleyka Urieta, your Student Government Association Senator representing the Fowler School of Engineering for the 2023-2024 term! Born and raised in Anaheim, California, she’s a Chapman local through and through, pursuing a major in Software Engineering and a minor in Neuroscience.
Zuleyka is deeply invested in both the Fowler and Chapman community, despite commuting to campus. She spends her time as a student worker at the Makerspace in Swenson Hall and takes an active role as a board member for Chapman University’s Society of Women Engineers. Her engagement spans across various clubs including Women in Science and Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the Latinx club. Furthermore, Zuleyka maintains a close-knit relationship with Chapman’s First Generation community, fostered by her involvement in the Promising Futures Program.
Why SGA; why Fowler Senator?
Having held multiple leadership roles throughout high school, ranging from club President to being an integral part of her school’s associated student body, Zuleyka has consistently found joy in empowering her fellow students’ voices. She shares, “SGA’s mission to enhance the undergraduate experience through advocacy aligns perfectly with my aspirations – it’s a cause that I am more than happy to contribute to.”
Zuleyka encourages her peers to be the change they wish to see on campus. “Take the leap and go for leadership positions that pertain to the power and influence needed to make the difference you believe is necessary. For me that meant running for Fowler Senator.”
With the recent establishment of the Fowler School of Engineering in 2020, as Fowler Senator Zuleyka aims to play a role in supporting and providing early opportunities for undergraduates within the Fowler community. “The identity of Fowler is still a work in progress, but with such incredible staff, faculty, and students- it’s been on a great path thus far.”
Along with the role of serving as Fowler Senator, Zuleyka will sit on the allocations committee to oversee SGA’s budget and undergraduate funding requests.
Looking Ahead
Zuleyka has already started working with Fowler faculty to start planning towards making her initiatives for Fowler a reality. “Interim Dean Piechota and I recently met to discuss what the 2023-2024 school year looks like for Fowler, and I am eager to put his advice into action.” Zuleyka’s ideas for Fowler undergraduates include: access to more industry skill enhancing resources, an improved academic course selection process, a student leadership committee, financial transparency, and fun mixer style bonding events.
With her term underway, Zuleyka extends an open invitation for her constituents to connect with her via email at urieta@chapman.edu. She emphasizes, “Your comments, concerns, suggestions, and questions are all welcomed! It’s crucial to me that my constituents know I’m here to amplify their voices, and I genuinely value their input.”
Feel free to contact her via the email above and follow her on instagram!