The 2022 Campus Leadership Awards ceremony took place on May 6, 2022 to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of Chapman University students. The Campus Leadership Awards were created by the Dean of Students Office to recognize students’ outstanding accomplishments and create a long-standing tradition of celebrating success.

Ronald M. Huntington Award for Outstanding Scholarship

Nataneal Alpay and President Struppa

Huntington Award Winner Natanael Alpay with President Struppa

The Ronald M. Huntington Outstanding Scholarship Award is presented to the graduating senior judged to have exhibited the most distinguished record of scholarly accomplishments while a student at Chapman University.

The Huntington Award recipient this year went to quadruple major, Natanael Alpay.

Natanael began his time at Chapman in spring 2018 and will graduate with degrees in mathematics, physics, computer science and French in spring 2022.

Natanael plans to continue his education and pursue a doctoral degree in mathematics.

Outstanding Leaders in Each Class

The Chapman Outstanding Leadership Awards are given to the outstanding leaders in each class for their leadership and dedicated service to the quality of life and campus community programs at Chapman University. These students are celebrated as role models on our campus, regardless of whether or not they hold formal leadership positions. The Fowler School of Engineering is proud to celebrate the following students for this recognition.

Outstanding Senior Award Winners

  • Abby Bechtel – Computer Science and Physics major
  • Jessica Roux – Software Engineering major
  • Arshia Sharma – Computer Science major and Analytics minor

Outstanding First Years Award Winner

  • Ryan Shihabi – Data Science major

We are so proud of our Fowler School of Engineering students and congratulate all who were nominated and recognized at the 2022 Campus Leadership Awards!