27 posts categorized in



Exploring Clean Engineering: The Eco-Friendly Career of Chapman’s Computer Science Club Vice President, Tyler Lewis “I get the opportunity to put my effort into stuff that actually matters. And I love that Chapman gives me that opportunity.” Tyler Lewis ‘24

April 23, 2024 by Owen Agbayani (English, '25) | Students

Name: Tyler Lewis Major: B.S. Computer Science ‘24, M.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) ‘25 Themed Inquiry: Business and Economics Extracurricular Involvements: Chapman Computer Science Club Vice President, Computer Science Student Tutor, Research Assistant, Snow Club Career Outlook: Engineering Associate at Clean Coalition, former Algorithm Software Engineering Intern at Continental, former Associate Engineer for

Chapman’s Computer Science Club President, Ben Fellows, and his Journey from Transfer Student to Security Consultant “I apply stuff that I learned in the Information Security and Policy (ISP) classes to what I'm doing currently." - Ben Fellows '24

April 1, 2024 by Owen Agbayani (English '25) | Students

Name: Ben Fellows Major: B.S. Computer Science ‘24 Minor: Information Security and Policy (ISP) Extracurricular Involvements: Chapman Computer Science Club President Career Outlook: Security Consultant at Destra Multifamily, former Software Engineer Intern at Briq Ben Fellows (Computer Science ‘24) transferred from Santa Barbara City College to Chapman University in 2021. Initially, Fellows declared his major

Chapman Engineering Invites Students to Experience the Industry with a Workplace Tour "It makes me a little more confident to go into the workforce,” - Trey Alexander (Computer Engineering '24, MS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science '25

March 25, 2024 by | Students

“What will it be like in the workplace?” is a common phrase heard within the Fowler School of Engineering’s Career Services Center as students explore their career options and visit our Manager of Career Services, Samuel Lee, for resources and support. While some students update their resumes or prepare for interviews, others are ready to

Balancing Industry Knowledge with Graduate Education

February 29, 2024 by Owen Agbayani (English ‘25) | Students

Name: Arisa Takenaka Trombley Major: B.S. Computer Science ‘24, M.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ‘25 Minor: Game Development Programming Extracurricular Involvements: Events Coordinator for Computer Science Club, Nikkei Student Union (NSU), Juggling Club, former Real Estate Intern for Blackbird Realty and Management, Inc. Throughout the spring semester, many Fowler School of Engineering (FSE) students

Transitioning from Residence Life to Cyber Security: Internship Spotlight with Thomas Kim, Intern at SAIC

February 2, 2024 by Owen Agbayani (English ‘25) | Students

Name: Thomas Kim Major: B.S. Computer Science ‘25 Minor: Information Security and Policy (ISP)  Extracurricular Involvements: Robotics Club, Former Resident Advisor and Program Support Assistant for Office of Residence Life and First Year Experience (RLFYE), Former Back Office Assistant for Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) For some Fowler School of Engineering (FSE) students, transitioning from

Experiential Learning Takes Flight: Chapman Engineering Student Receives Full-Time Position with the World’s Largest Aerospace Company "Once I worked at Boeing, I could see the intersection and I just have a lot of appreciation for the classes that I have taken.” - Olivia Chilvers '24

December 11, 2023 by | Students

For those students who have dreamt of working in large-scale tech companies, Chapman Engineering prepares them by offering faculty with industry experience, experiential learning, and human-centered design courses. For computer science and integrated M.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science student Olivia Chilvers, her time at the Fowler School of Engineering (FSE) prepared her for a

Navy Veteran Utilizes Chapman University Resources to Achieve Success in Engineering Jaccob Mau '23, a nontraditional Fowler School of Engineering student, used military training and resources available for veterans to succeed academically and professionally.

November 10, 2023 by | Students

Name: Jaccob Mau Graduation Year: December 2023 Major: Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Dept. in Military Service: United States Navy, November 2015 – August 2021 Taking a nontraditional path to higher education can come with challenges. Navigating the application process and selecting the right courses may be intimidating for returning students.  For these students, on-campus

Chapman Student Connects the Fowler School of Engineering to Growing Tech Company “There’s a lot of talent at Fowler and I just want to help bring that experience here.” -Brenda Lai ‘24

November 6, 2023 by | Students

Name: Brenda Lai  Year: Senior Major: Public Relations and Advertising with a Game Development Minor Extracurricular Activities: Member of Delta Kappa Alpha – Professional Cinematic Club In the summer of 2023, Brenda Lai, a public relations & advertising and game development student received an internship with the growing tech company Roblox. Her experience greatly impacted her

Chapman Computer Science Graduate Energizes Entrepreneurial Efforts in Engineering Students “Go make the mistake. Go fail. That’s the best way to learn.” - Grayson Berman (Computer Science '19)

October 24, 2023 by | Students

Grayson Berman (Computer Science ‘19) knew he wanted to be a business owner. His first thought was to go into economics or pursue a degree in business. But it was his mother who encouraged him to pursue a degree in computer science, so he always had something to fall back on. Heeding his mother’s advice,

Chapman Engineering Alumni Swings for Major League Baseball “I love being able to apply the courses from my degree to my passion." -Jackson Thomas (Data Analytics '23)

October 18, 2023 by | Students

At the Fowler School of Engineering (FSE), our programs are constructed to offer hands-on learning and showcase the many sectors of the engineering workforce. Our degrees, like data science, open a world of possibilities to our students who are interested in other institutions, such as Major League Baseball (MLB).  Ever since he was young, Jackson

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