an outdoor work environment

You might find yourself working with new coworkers! Arrietty enjoying an outdoor work space.

“Who are you?” said the Caterpillar . . .
“I – I hardly know, Sir, just at present,” Alice replied rather shyly, “at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then.”
– Lewis Carroll
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Everything can feel a bit like we are Alice in Alice in Wonderland right now. Shifting from being in the office to working remotely during COVID-19 is definitely a transition. As with any transition we must honor that we are in that space and that it is OK. Below are a few tips to think about to help with working remotely.

Create the Habit

Start your workday and end your workday at a specific time (Bort, 2020) Create habit around your work. “Creating habits means picking a particular place you are going to use as a work space and sticking with it. One advantage to having a dedicated work space is that it becomes associated with doing work, so that eventually you sit at the work space and you develop a mindset to be at work” (Markman, 2020).

Don’t Forget to Exercise

Now that you are working remotely you may not be able to move as much as you did in the office. “Exercise promotes endorphins, which help combat the blues or feeling sluggish. It increases mental sharpness and makes you better able to handle stress” (Bort, 2020). Take walking meetings when and if possible, any call that you do not have to be in front of a computer take as an opportunity to get outside and move (Carlson, 2020). Set a “stretch time” at the same time each day. Take a few minutes to rest your eyes and stretch away from your work area. You can even set stretch time with your coworkers via Microsoft Teams!


Be mindful that your productivity will rise and fall (Bort, 2020). New environment means you will have to find your productivity rhythm and that is OK.

Staying Connected

Stay socially connected with coworkers (Bort, 2020). Be sure to engage with coworkers via Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Check in with your coworkers and share resources with each other. Think about starting a book club or sharing centering practices. Start working on your submission to the Staff and Faculty Art Exhibition!

Eat Mindfully

Continue meal and snack prep just as you would going into the office (Carlson, 2020). Have a nice mix of healthy go to treats on hand.


Distractions happen and many folks are juggling more than one person’s schedule at home now. Noise canceling headphones, ear plugs or ear buds can help minimize some distractions. Be open with your home mates about schedules so you can find those pockets that will be more or less distracting, and you can plan your work accordingly (Carlson, 2020).

Practice One Minute of Mindfulness

Remember just one minute of mindfulness a day can help to calm your mind, body and emotions! Check out the Fish Interfaith Center’s tips on incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine here.

Or watch our video for tips on how to meditate at home

Stay Strong. Blessings to you all.
Fish Interfaith Center

We are pleased to announce the Fish Interfaith Center’s launch of CHAPMAN HOPE for meditations, prayer, chaplain support, and wellness resources. Visit our Fish blog for mindfulness tips and coping strategies during the coronavirus quarantine, and more blogs from the Fish staff. Feel free to reach out to us at The Fish Interfaith Center

Connect with us on social media to see our daily messages:
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Bort J. (2020). How To Handle Working From Home From a 20 Year Expert. Business Insider.

Markman, A (2020, March 31). Science Backed Tips to Settle Into Your Remote Work Routine. Fast Company.

Carlson, E. (2020, March 19). 10 Tips From CEOs on Working From Home Effectively and Happily. Entrepreneur.