34 posts categorized in

Chaplain Musings


Standing Together in the face of disasters and injustice

September 17, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

Dear friends, colleagues, students, staff, Chapman community, I hope this finds you well and safe. We are thinking of everyone in your many settings and unique ways of being engaged in teaching, learning, working, and going about your daily lives. We are mindful of those in the regions who are suffering fires and deadly smoke;

Knitting with Pain Reflection by Dr. Jacob Rennaker, John A. Widtsoe Fellow

June 15, 2020 by Dr. Jacob Rennaker | Chaplain Musings

Pain can easily tear a community apart–especially when some feel that pain more deeply than others. On the other hand, pain can bring a community closer together than ever before. What makes the difference? Knitting. Yes, I believe that knitting makes all the difference between a community on the verge of self-destruction and a community

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