9 posts categorized in



A Sacred Convergence Reflection by Dean Gail Stearns

April 9, 2022 by | Holidays

A Ramadan Iftar dinner; an annual festive Vaisakhi celebration; the Passover Seder; Good Friday’s reading of the Passion. All of these take place during the week of April 11, 2022 at the Fish Interfaith Center. As I write, I am preparing for a week of sacred convergence – when these important religious holidays converge. Whether

Earth Day: Celebrating Our Connection to Spirit & Planet

April 14, 2021 by | Uncategorized

Renewing Our Connection to Spirit and Planet Spring is the season of hope and renewal, as joyously expressed throughout the world’s religious and spiritual traditions. Is it any wonder why all of humanity’s faiths celebrate the return of spring with such religious richness? Easter, Pesach, Holi, Ramadan, Nowruz, Ostara, Purim, Ridvan, Vaisakhi, and Wesak are

A Season of Waiting By Gail Stearns, Dean of the Chapel

December 22, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

As the season of Advent closes, whether one believes the ancient biblical tale of Jesus’ birth is divinely inspired, or sees it as a metaphor or simply an author’s tale, there is one part of the story that relates to the particular plight of countless people of throughout history. But it’s not the part that

Bored, Depressed, and Want to Give Up? The Noonday Demon Whispers!: Pentecost 2020 Reflection by Rev. Rafael Luévano

May 18, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

Evargrius Ponticus, a third-century hermit who lived isolated in the Egyptian desert, knew all about boredom, discouragement, and wanting to give up. He personified this chorus of negativity with a telling nickname, “The Noonday Demon.” Unlike other tempters who lurk under cover of darkness, when Evargrius was weary and discouraged, this demon appeared in broad

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