40 posts categorized in



At Your Service The Festival of Sacrifice

June 28, 2023 by | Uncategorized

June 18 began the final month of the Islamic calendar, Thu’l-Hijjah. In Islamic teachings, the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, informed the Muslim faithful that the performance of good deeds during the first ten days is the greatest and most beloved to Allah (God). The only thing more beloved is struggling for Allah’s cause and dying

At Your Service The Festival of Sacrifice

June 28, 2023 by | Uncategorized

June 18 began the final month of the Islamic calendar, Thu’l-Hijjah. In Islamic teachings, the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, informed the Muslim faithful that the performance of good deeds during the first ten days is the greatest and most beloved to Allah (God). The only thing more beloved is struggling for Allah’s cause and dying

Student Reflection By Tikva Velazquez '23

April 26, 2022 by Tikva Velazquez | Uncategorized

When you enter the Interfaith Center you might be taken aback by the vastness of the chapel, the way the walls feel like they are floating, or you might find yourself feeling calm, swaddled in the warmth of sunlight and quiet of the space. For everyone on campus, I can imagine the Interfaith Center takes

Malcolm X – A Reflection by Shaykh Jibreel Speight

February 22, 2022 by | Uncategorized

The United States of America has many commemorations, including race and ethnicity, gender, people, and events. I want to ask you a question, but I would like to paint the scenario first. At one time, a man lived in a racist era. Hostility was the norm. His parents, however, fought against racism. Unfortunately, members of

The Fierce Urgency of Now By Dr. Jacob Rennaker

February 9, 2022 by Dr. Jacob Rennaker | Uncategorized

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech is a masterpiece that’s well worth re-visiting. It’s like a diamond—created under enormous pressure and precious beyond expression. Each time I come back to it, I’m dazzled by a different facet and find myself speechless. That’s how I know it’s part of something bigger and

Solstice Reflection by Rev. Nancy Brink

December 6, 2021 by Rev. Nancy Brink | Uncategorized

The Gathering Darkness Solstice will soon be with us. December 21 is the longest night of the year for those of us living in the northern hemisphere. As we grow closer, the sun sets earlier. Generally, I have ignored this season and just complained about driving home from work in the dark. This year I

When Giving Thanks Goes Wrong Reflection by Dr. Jacob Rennaker

November 23, 2021 by Dr. Jacob Rennaker | Uncategorized

We sometimes hear about the importance of gratitude and its benefits for our mental and spiritual health. And it seems like a really good idea. I, for one, could do more to be mindful of what I have in my life and truly appreciate it. But is giving thanks always a good thing? In the

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