On the evening of December 2, Ludmila Page, who in July reached the milestone age of 100, passed away. Were we not in a pandemic, we would be gathering to honor her and share our memories.

A founding member of The “1939” Club (now Society), Mila was the epitome of elegance and kindness. She would have been a wonderful physician, but the Nazi invasion of her native Poland brought her studies to an end, as it did for so many others.

Mila and Paul Page's wedding photo

Mila and Paul Page’s wedding photo

portrait of Mila Page

Mila’s portrait from the “The Indestructible Spirit” exhibit, photogaphy by Bill Aron












As Oskar Schindler had once been her protector, so she and her husband, Leopold Page, became his protectors after the war and later fierce guardians of his memory. We all owe Mila and her husband a tremendous debt of gratitude for their role in bringing Schindler’s story to the world through the book by Thomas Keneally and later the film by Steven Spielberg.

Mila Page with David Crowe, Daniele Struppa and Marilyn Harran

Mila Page with (left to right) David Crowe, Daniele Struppa, and Marilyn Harran at the dedication of the Oskar Schindler Archive in November, 2016.

We are so very honored to have the Oskar Schindler Archive, donated by historian David Crowe, at Chapman University. Having Mila and her daughter Marie there to celebrate the opening of the Archive in November 2016 is a memory we will always cherish.

Her friendship to me and to Chapman University was a gift beyond measure.

Mila’s testimony is available on The 1939 Society’s YouTube channel.