November 17 | 7 p.m.
Chapman Auditorium | Memorial Hall

Father Patrick Desbois
President, Yahad-In Unum

Author of The Holocaust By Bullets: A Priest’s Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews

Fr. Patrick Desbois Headshot
Although nearly seventy years have passed since the war in Europe ended, and with it the Nazis’ plan to murder the Jews, aspects of the history of the Holocaust still remain undiscovered and untold. The grandson of a French deportee to the Rawa Ruska labor camp in the Ukraine, Father Patrick Desbois has led, since 2001, a
truly historic effort to identify and locate undiscovered mass graves of Jews and Roma killed during the Holocaust by the mobile killing units, Einsatzgruppen, and
gather evidence about those who were murdered there. His research has been an invaluable contribution to history and memory.

Father Desbois and researchers from Yahad-In Unum, the organization he founded in 2004, have so far discovered 1,350 mass killing sites and
interviewed over 3,800 witnesses to the crimes in ten countries, many of whom have never spoken before of what they saw.

The Holocaust By Bullets will be available for purchase in Memorial Hall and Fr. Desbois has graciously agreed to sign books at a reception following his presentation.

Admission is free. No tickets/reservations required.
Reserved seating is available for groups of 10 or more.
Contact Ashley Bloomfield at (714) 532-7760 or to make group reservations.