2 posts tagged

software applications


Internet Explorer is Retiring Soon!

April 5, 2022 by | Technology

Microsoft will retire Internet Explorer on June 15, 2022, on certain versions of Windows 10. Microsoft Edge has replaced Internet Explorer and contains a built-in mode that allows access to legacy websites directly within the new browser.  This change also means any third-party extensions such as Qualtrics running on Internet Explorer will end their support

2FA for Chapman Software Applications Over 100 applications will be placed behind 2FA.

March 16, 2021 by | Information Security

Starting Wednesday, March 17th, IS&T will be turning on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) services for over 100 Chapman software applications. Below are just a few of the 100+ software applications that will be moved behind 2FA: Canvas Concur Everfi ExamSoft LinkedIn Learning Panopto Qualtrics Zoom And many more! Over the past several weeks, IS&T has been

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