First Year law student, Ruby Banipal, was elected as Outreach Chair for West Region of the new Ms. JD National Women Law Students’ Organization. Ms. JD, a national non-profit organization, held a Leadership Summit in New York City on April 4th and 5th.  The purpose of the summit was to bring together law students from around the country to form a national organization of women law students. The event was attended by approximately 100 students from over 60 law schools with representatives in attendance from over 30 states.  First year law student, Ruby Banipal,  represented Chapman at the Summit. The event was sponsored by Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz LLP.  The event kicked off with addresses by Chief Judge Judith Kaye of the New York Court of Appeals who spoke on the challenges that still exist for women in the legal profession and Lynn Hecht Schafren who spoke on how far women lawyers have come to date.  Students participated in a networking luncheon led by Axiom Legal and the event closed with inspiring remarks by Dahlia Lithwick, a senior editor and legal correspondent for Slate and the keynote speaker, Professor Barbara Babcock, the first woman professor at Stanford Law School. Ms. Banipal was elected to the regional position of Outreach Chair for the West region, and will be serving on this committee. For more information about the organization, visit