Associate Dean Timothy Canova was interviewed for a video piece on The Real News Network entitled, “Worst Week Ever on World Markets.”  In the recent weeks, the world has witnessed a global economic meltdown, including the $700 billion federal bailout.  “Many people with money, smart investors, have to know that $700 billion is not going to solve the problem. Part of the problem right now is that nobody knows what the size of the problem itself is,” said Dean Canova.  He also argued that regulation of banks has become a more popular idea and that the new presidential administration will need to take control of the current financial crisis, “What’s perhaps needed at this time – and I would argue it is needed at this time – is an administration in Washington, a president who’s ready and willing to take firmer control over the commanding heights of the economy, the financial system, to make sure that the financial system is working for ordinary Americans…” See Video…