Professor Eastman, who also serves as  chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, has appeared all over television shows, radio shows, and newspapers, following the decision from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that declared Prop. 8 unconstitutional.  He appeared on “PBS Newshour,” saying that Prop. 8, “applies to one man and one woman.  That means plural marriages are also illegal under Proposition 8 in California.  So, the notion that the only purpose of this was animus towards gay and lesbians is just patently false on the face of Proposition 8 itself.  The basic notion here is, do the people of the state have any right to continue to defend marriage as it has always been understood, tied to the biological complementarity of the sexes, with at least a purpose of procreation and the rearing of children that are the offspring of that relationship?”  View the appearance by clicking here.

Professor Eastman also appeared on the “Al Jazeera” television show.  He appeared on the following radio stations: CBS Radio, ABC Radio, KPCC  (PBS affiliate in Los Angeles), KQED (PBS affiliate in San Francisco), and WOSU (PBS affiliate in Columbus, Ohio).  Additionally, Professor Eastman was quoted in the following newspapers: Los Angeles Times, Riverside Press-Enterprise, Watsonville Register, City News Service, Bloomberg News, National Catholic Register, Washington Times, and  San Francisco Chronicle.