John Evans, Wells Fargo Private Bank regional managing director, and Greg Goodrich (’99), Wells Fargo Private Bank senior financial advisor and Chapman Law alumnus, toured the Bette and Wylie Aitken Family Violence Clinic at Chapman University School of Law on July 10, 2012 with professors Marisa Cianciarulo, Wendy Seiden, and Neda Sargordan. During the tour, Evans and Goodrich were acknowledged for the Wells Fargo gift to the clinic. The professors showcased the unique hands-on experience that Chapman law students gain while applying legal knowledge in a clinical setting to assist low-income families who otherwise could not afford vital legal services.

“Since its inception in 2007, the Bette and Wylie Aitken Family Violence Clinic and participating law students have helped hundreds of survivors of domestic violence,” stated Dean Tom Campbell. “This free clinic plays a critical role in enabling justice for low-income and immigrant community members, and we deeply appreciate the support of Wells Fargo in ensuring its continuity,” he added. At the completion of the tour, one of the advanced clinic law students, Mark Martinez, presented information on the valuable community services provided by the clinic. Many of the services include client counseling and interviews, fact investigation, legal research, preparation of affidavits, submitting applications for domestic violence-related protection orders and immigration benefits.

Update (03/03/13)

John Evans and Greg Goodrich of Wells Fargo gave another generous donation to the Bette and Wylie Aitken Family Violence Clinic! Their donation will once again ensure that Chapman Law can continue supporting the community and those in need.