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Chapman Law Student, Ankush Dhupar, is one of the newest recipients of the Ochoa Worker’s Rights Scholarship. This scholarship award recognizes a California law student who demonstrates superior academic achievement, a sustained and extensive commitment to the labor movement, often while overcoming serious personal hardships and obstacles, and an intent to pursue a career in the field workers’ rights upon graduation.

“We are impressed by Ankush’s long standing commitment to the labor movement and applaud him for his legal advocacy on behalf of working people who are struggling through a very difficult financial time,” said Dovie Yoana King and Ricardo Ochoa, founding attorneys at Ochoa Legal Group. “Ankush demonstrates great potential as a future attorney who espouses the principles we seek to advance through the firm’s Workers’ Rights Scholarship – an achievement he should be proud of,” said King.

In addition to Ankush’s achievement, we also acknowledge recent accomplishments of two 3L’s, Karel Raba and Matt Susson, who will have their Law Review Comments published. Karel’s Comment is entitled, “Recognition and Enforcement of Out-of-State Adoption Decrees under the Full Faith and Credit Clause: The Case of Supplemental Birth Certificates,” and will be published by: The Scholar: St. Mary’s Law Review on Race and Social Justice in Issue 2 in the 2012-13 publication year.

Matt’s Comment is entitled, “Environments, Externalities and Ethics: Compulsory Multinational and Transnational Corporate Bonding to Promote Accountability for Externalization of Environmental Harm.” The Buffalo Environmental Law Journal will publish it in Issue 2 of 2 in the 2012–13 publication year.