116 posts from



Chapman Law Alumni are Quickly Taking Over Bankruptcy Court

December 12, 2012 by | General News

In the last three years, 14 Chapman Law graduates have been offered clerkships in Bankruptcy Court. This is quite an accomplishment for such a short period of time and one important reason stands out: externships. All of these successful graduates first completed judicial externships while in law school which bolstered their resumes and provided them

*VIDEO* Dean Campbell’s Fall 2012 Address

December 10, 2012 by | General News

Every semester, Dean Campbell gives an update about the newest developments at Chapman Law in an effort to keep alumni, current students and faculty up to date with all things happening at the law school. This past fall, we’ve had many positive highlights including: Faculty’s scholarly impact 82% Bar passage rate First ever Law School

Faculty Spotlight: Meet Professor Rob Morrow

November 28, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Rob Morrow has an interesting way of teaching, to say the least. Instead of focusing solely on a barrage of appellate case law in his mandatory Federal Income Tax class, he strategically ties his lectures to popular culture. For example, Gandalf, Gollum and the Eye of Sauron—popular characters in The Lord of the Rings

Chapman Law Arbitration Team Wins ABA Regional in Jackson, MS

November 20, 2012 by | General News

This weekend, Chapman Law teams attended a regional round of the ABA Arbitration Competition in Jackson, MS.  Our two teams at the regional consisted of  1) Nick Evans, Kristin Aoun, Melissa Bohl, and Noel Rayo; and 2) Jason Armbruster, Zach Begle, Randy Schram, and Craig Williams. The team of Evans, Aoun, Bohl, and Rayo won

Another Strong Showing for Chapman Law School

November 15, 2012 by | General News

Last weekend, Chapman Law hosted a regional round of the National Moot Court Competition. Our team of Tom Wynsma (3L), Dallis Pflueger-Cavallaro (2L), and Jaryn Saritzky (2L) made the quarterfinals and wrote the Third Place Brief.  The team of Ryan Poteet (3L), Stephanie Brault (3L), and Sara Zimmerman (2L) wrote the Fourth Place Brief and

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