Are you a Chapman Law alumni? Have you recently changed firms, been promoted or made partner and would like to be featured in the next online edition of Alumni Highlights? Then submit a class note!

  •  Jimmy Blalock (’09) recently finished his term as Chair of the Alumni Advisory Board. During his tenure, he successfully increased Chapman Law alumni benefits.
  • Alex Feldman (’11) recently prevailed in a published decision from the Court of Appeal.
  • Brad Kuhn (’06) co-authored an article in the Los Angeles Daily Journal in January 2013, entitled “Eminent domain opinions focus on ‘just compensation’”.  He also co-authored another article for the Los Angeles Daily Journal entitled “Big year for published eminent domain decisions”.
  • Alice B. Lustre, LL.M. (’10), a Deputy Attorney General for the State of California, will  present “After the Gavel Falls: Application of the Federal Crime Victims’ Rights Act in Habeas Corpus Proceedings” at the National Crime Victims Law Institute’s 2013 Crime Victim Law Conference. The presentation is based on a directed research project Alice did as part of her LL.M. in Prosecutorial Science. The Conference will be held June 7th-8th, 2013, at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon.
  • Lauren Mayfield (’10) and Darrel J. Greenwald (’10) were featured in a Los Angeles Daily Journal article on December 26, 2012 entitled, “Recent Bar Graduates Increasingly Hanging their own Shingles.” The article details their success starting a law firm amid a poor economy.
  • Heather M. Brel (’08) was installed as Barristers President of the Long Beach Bar Association and Felipe “Mike” Vela (’04) was installed as one of the Board of Governors at the Long Beach Bar Association.