On March 7, 2013 from 6 to 9 p.m., Chapman Law’s student chapter of the Public Interest Law Foundation will hold its annual Awards Dinner & Silent Auction at the Hilton DoubleTree in Orange. The event will raise funds for PILF’s public interest summer jobs grant program and will honor Judge Wendy Lindley and Bette and Wylie Aitken for their devotion to public service.

This event is made possible thanks to its two co-sponsors, The Gorczyca Firm and Chapman Law’s Student Bar Association, as well as the more than 60 auction item donors.

Adjunct Professor Gary Gorczyca teaches family law and community property at Chapman Law and is also a partner at Phillips, Whisnant, Gazin, & Gorczyca, LLP, a family law firm in Newport Beach. For the past two years, the partners at this reputable firm have contributed to PILF for this event. This year, the firm’s $1,500 donation was instrumental in funding the dinner and auction.

As Chapman Law’s official student organization, SBA not only holds events uniting the Chapman Law community, but it also provides funding for student activities and organizations like PILF. In demonstration of SBA’s continued support of PILF, SBA matched its donation from last year and contributed $1,500 to the upcoming dinner.

“I love the PILF Auction because attendees win fantastic prizes, Chapman students earn scholarships to work on charitable causes, and our community benefits from the energy and ambition of the brightest young legal minds of the next generation,” said SBA Vice President 2L Ray Gennawey.

The silent auction will commence in the Chapman Law lobby on Monday, March 4 and will continue until Thursday, March 7, the day of the dinner. Among the many desirable items up for auction are a weeklong timeshare in Kauai, Hawaii, a Star Wars poster signed by the original cast and George Lucas, tickets to see the Anaheim Angels,  a Newport Harbor whale watching cruise excursion, the iconic Thriller album signed by Michael Jackson, dinner with Dean Campbell and plenty of faculty-hosted meals and parties.


Tickets are $20 for Chapman Law students, $32 for Chapman Law faculty and staff , $40 for Chapman Law alumni, judges and public interest lawyers, $50 for attorneys, and $400 for a ten-person table. You can RSVP to reserve your dinner ticket or table for the event by calling 714-628-2605 or online here; or purchase tickets in the lobby during the lunch hour this week.