About one hour before Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law’s most recent graduates were scheduled to walk in the 2014 Commencement Ceremony, a very special dedication event occurred at the law school. On Friday, May 23, 2014, at 4 p.m., a new bust of the law school’s namesake, Dale E. Fowler, was unveiled in the lobby of the school named in his honor. Dale E. Fowler is a member of the Chapman University Board of Trustees as well as a significant contributor to the Fowler School of Law. In September, 2013, the law school was the recipient of the second largest reported gift to any law school in the United States, thanks to a $55 million donation from Mr. Fowler and his wife Sarah Ann.


Dale Fowler, Sara Ann Fowler and Zee Allred

In the company of his family and friends, Dale Fowler accepted the bust and thanked the artist, Miriam Baker for portraying a flattering image of him to last for years to come. Chapman University President Jim Doti and Fowler School of Law Dean Tom Campbell each spoke fondly of Mr. Fowler and graciously thanked the Fowlers for their generous support of the law school. The bust was donated by Chapman University Board of Trustee member Zelma “Zee” Allred (pictured above with the Fowlers).

In addition to the gathering of the Fowler family and friends, the event was attended by graduating Fowler Law students and their families, Chapman faculty, administrators, and staff, as well as prominent members of the university’s Board of Trustees and the law school’s Board of Advisors.