At this time of the year, we extend a special thanks to the donors and friends who have provided their support to the Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law. Their generosity directly benefits our students, faculty and clinics.

Below are a few of our donors who have provided support for students through scholarship funds and clinic donations this year:

  • Bergener & Associates currently provides funding for ten students in their first and second year of law school. Each student is receiving a $5,000 award per year.
  • The Holly Frost Memorial Scholarship contributes $5,000 annually to benefit one student who emulates the ethic of giving to others and believes in the highest principles in the legal profession.
  • Two estate gifts established scholarships, one to benefit veterans who attend the Fowler School of Law and another memorial scholarship to honor the memory of Ryan Odenwalder (JD ’09).
  • Many foundations and individuals, including Bette and Wylie Aitken and Wells Fargo, have funded the Bette and Wylie Aitken Family Violence Clinic and the Alona Cortese Elder Law Center, giving our students a clinical experience and continuing these important community services.
  • Rutan & Tucker provides ongoing support for our annual first year writing and advocacy competition hosted by the Fowler School of Law Legal Research and Writing Program.

We are truly thankful for the support of all our loyal benefactors. Their generosity helps provide our students the best possible legal education.

Happy Thanksgiving from Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law!
