On Monday, January 26, 2015, Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law welcomed
Daniel B. Rodriguez
, Dean and Harold Washington Professor of Northwestern University School of Law, and Immediate Past President of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS). Dean Rodriguez presented his talk,
The Law-Business-Technology Interface and its Impact on Professional Education
, as the featured guest for the January installment of our
Chapman Dialogue Lecture Series
. The event was moderated by
Daniel Bogart
, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the Fowler School of Law.


Dean Rodriguez’s talk focused on the integration of law, business and technology, an educational model that he suggests may very well become the norm in the next 15 years. Explaining that the current teaching methods in law and business schools fail to provide satisfactory cross-disciplinary training, he proposed a new model wherein law schools would incorporate greater business training and business schools would similarly incorporate more instruction in the law.

“The Chapman law school community was extraordinarily fortunate to hear the insights from someone with such a depth of experience and understanding of lawyering and legal education as Dean Daniel Rodriguez.  Dean Rodriguez persuasively made the case for a greater integration of disciplines like business into legal education, which encourages me that many of the reforms we are instituting at Chapman remain at the cutting edge and are moving in the right direction.” – Donald J. Kochan, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, Fowler School of Law


Donald J. Kochan, Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development and Professor of Law; Daniel B. Bogart, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Daniel B. Rodriguez, Dean and Harold Washington Professor, Northwestern University School of Law, and Immediate Past President, Association of American Law Schools (AALS); and Dean Tom Campbell of the Fowler School of Law.

Dean Rodriguez’s principal academic work is in the areas of administrative law, local government law, statutory interpretation, and state constitutional law. Prior to joining Northwestern Law, he served as Minerva House Drysdale Regents Chair in Law at the University of Texas-Austin; as a Research Fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy; as Dean and Warren Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law; and, as a Professor of Law at University of California, Berkeley’s Boalt Hall. In addition, he has been a visiting professor at Columbia University, University of Southern California, University of Illinois, McGeorge School of Law, and at the Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Learn more about Dean Rodriguez

Chapman Dialogue Lecture Series
is a series of distinguished lectures by innovative and thought-provoking legal scholars as well as some of the nation’s most prominent legal practitioners. Our invited speakers present their research and ideas to a wide audience of faculty, students, alumni and special guests.