Law School Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Special Guests, Live Music and Spectacular Fireworks Show
April 1, 2015
On Saturday, March 28, 2015, nearly 350 friends of the Fowler School of Law gathered in Chapman University’s lovely Attallah Piazza to celebrate the law school’s 20th anniversary. The law school’s namesake and University Trustee Dale E. Fowler and his wife Ann and Dean Emeritus Parham Williams and his wife Polly were among the many special guests that also included alumni, faculty, students, judges, attorneys, city officials, and benefactors.
The evening kicked off with welcome remarks from Dean Tom Campbell who introduced three special guest presenters, Chapman University President Jim Doti, Dean Emeritus Parham Williams, and University Trustee and Chairman of the Fowler School of Law Board of Advisors Wylie Aitken. President Doti built on a nautical theme, extolling the law school’s considerable progress, while looking to the future: “With Captain (Tom) Campbell at the helm, and with the help of his great crew, a successful journey is assured.” Williams, who spent a decade as dean during the school’s greatest period of expansion that included ABA accreditation and the opening of Donald P. Kennedy Hall, proclaimed, “As it enters its third decade, the Fowler School of Law is strong, confident and poised for continued growth in prestige and national influence. This is a time of new beginnings and dreams without boundaries.” Aitken congratulated the Fowler School of Law for its many successes and challenged the school to aim even higher in the years to come.
16 area law firms and individuals sponsored the event, showcasing the law school’s strong ties with the Orange County legal and business community: Aitken • Aitken • Cohn; Arent Fox LLP; Bergener & Associates APC; Zeinab Dabbah MD, JD (’12) & Daniel Tamianka MD; Fish & Tsang LLP; Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP; Greenberg Gross LLP; Hueston & Hennigan LLP; Keller Rackauckas LLP; Latham & Watkins LLP; Law Lewis & Stein LLP; Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP; Rutan & Tucker; Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP; and, Snell & Wilmer LLP. AC Martin, the architectural firm that designed the Kennedy Hall building, hosted the complimentary beer and wine for the evening.
After a sumptuous steak dinner and an awards ceremony acknowledging the evening’s Gold Sponsors, the guests were treated to a fantastic fireworks show over the university’s Hutton Sports Center, immediately followed by a rousing live musical performance by the Fowler School of Law’s Alumni-Student-Faculty All Star Band.
The net proceeds from this celebratory event will be used to support the Fowler School of Law’s clinical programs.
Chapman University Fowler School of Law
20th Anniversary Gala
March 28, 2015