Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law Professor Tom W. Bell is featured in a new video entitled “
Freedom of Speech: How is Offensive Speech Good for Society?
” presented by Learn Liberty, an online resource that provides free video lectures for students across the globe on a range of academic disciplines. The video was published by the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) at George Mason University.

speech-2“Freedom of expression matters precisely because it allows us to voice and hear unpopular and controversial views. You don’t have to like offensive speech — in fact you should feel free to vigorously denounce and criticize speech that you see as wrong,” Professor Bell said.

“Freedom of Speech: How is Offensive Speech Good for Society?” is only the latest in Professor Bell’s partnership with IHS. Previously Professor Bell released an open online course “
Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide to Trademarks, Patents, & More
” as well as a variety of videos on the rule of law and property rights.

Watch the full video below or on
Learn Liberty