California Supreme Court Justice to Serve as 2016 Fowler School of Law Commencement Speaker
May 10, 2016
Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law will welcome California Supreme Court Associate Justice Goodwin Liu as the class of 2016 commencement ceremony speaker on May 20.
Justice Liu is a prolific and influential scholar on constitutional law and education policy. He currently serves on the California Access to Justice Commission, the governing board of the American Law Institute, the Committee on Science, Technology, and Law of the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Bar Association Task Force on Financing Legal Education. He has previously served on the Board of Trustees of Stanford University and the board of directors of the Alliance for Excellent Education, the American Constitution Society, the National Women’s Law Center, and the Public Welfare Foundation.
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The commencement ceremony will take place on Chapman University’s Holly & David Wilson Field at 4 p.m. on May 20, with the procession beginning at 3:45 p.m. Graduating students are asked to arrive at 2:30 p.m. Commencement is a ticketless event and graduates are welcome to invite as many guests they choose. A live
will be streamed for those who cannot attend. A Twitter ticker will also run on the Jumbotron during the ceremony for anyone to send out congratulatory messages. Use #ChapmanU in your congratulatory tweets to have your messages on the big screen.
A reception in Kennedy Hall 237AB for graduates and their guests will immediately follow the ceremony.
Graduation Banquet
Commencement festivities will begin on Thursday, May 19, with the annual graduation banquet at Turnip Rose Celebrations in Costa Mesa. The special dinner banquet and awards ceremony, which recognizes the achievements of the graduating class, is free for graduating students. More information and ticket reservation can be found on the
Graduation Banquet RSVP page