Molly Ball, national political correspondent for The Atlantic, talked about Republicans, Democrats and unpredictable voting habits at the first Chapman Dialogue of the year, hosted on Tuesday at Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law.

Dean Parlow and Molly Ball talk on stage

Ball answers questions from audience members following her presentation

Nearly 150 law and undergraduate students, members of the faculty and administration, and members of the community gathered in Kennedy Hall to hear the presentation titled “2016 and the Great Disruption of American Politics.”

Ball dissected the current election cycle and the impact the polarizing candidates may have on the future of American politics.

“It has upended a lot of things I thought I knew and understood about how our political system works – about how people work, in some ways – and so I think that this is bigger than an election,” she said. “I think this is a disruption of American society and possibly a turning point in our history.”

Molly Ball and Dean Parlow with students

Ball and Dean Parlow with Fowler School of Law students

The engaging lecture was followed by a conversation with Fowler School of Law Dean Matt Parlow and a lively Q&A session with the audience.

“I think the most interesting question posed by this election may not be who wins,” Ball said. “I think we are seeing some seismic shifts in America’s identity and how we see ourselves as a country.”

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