Chapman Law Honors Graduates at Annual Bar Admission Ceremony
December 9, 2016
Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law alumni, faculty, families, and friends gathered last Thursday to celebrate the law school’s newly admitted lawyers at the annual Bar Admission Ceremony held in Chapman University’s Memorial Hall.
The alumni were welcomed by Dean Matt Parlow, who congratulated them on their success: “You have accomplished something extraordinary, passing the most difficult bar exam in the country. You have so much to celebrate and all of us at the Fowler School of Law, indeed all of us here today, are so incredibly proud of you.”
On hand to administer the required oaths were the Honorable Jonathan S. Fish of the Superior Court of California, County of Orange, and the Honorable Theodor C. Albert of the United States Bankruptcy Court.
Before administering the state oath, Judge Fish reminded the new lawyers about the importance of being positive representatives of the profession and adhering to the rules of ethics. “You’ve entered a wonderful profession,” he said. “We govern ourselves because we have a great deal of power over people’s lives and people’s freedom. That’s a very important thing.”
Prior to leading the federal oath, Judge Albert noted, “I want you to reflect on the (state) oath you just took. It’s a solemn one. It’s a courageous one and it should be a great source of pride to you and your families…. It’s the start of a most noble and important adventure, an adventure that will benefit not only yourselves but your clients, your community, and hopefully the society that you serve.”
Deirdre Kelly, Orange County Bar Association Secretary and 2019 President-Elect – and Director of Fowler School of Law’s Career Services Office – remarked on the importance of actively participating in the legal community. Marvin Adviento (’05), Fowler School of Law ’s Alumni Advisory Board Chair and an associate at Wright, Finlay & Zak, LLP, reflected on the support he found in his fellow alumni when he was a newly-minted lawyer, armed with the technical skills but nervous to begin his career. He encouraged the new members of the bar to stay involved at Chapman, and to remember the importance of the law school network: “The alumni who join you on this journey … will be a resource for you, and you for them.”
Following the ceremony, the new admittees and their families joined the law school’s faculty, administration, current students, and other guests in the Kennedy Hall lobby for a celebratory reception.
See more photos at https://goo.gl/photos/ZaEMgvvCrb4SQ7or8