Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law Professor Hugh Hewitt’s newest book The Fourth Way: The Conservative Playbook for a Lasting GOP Majority was recently published by Simon & Schuster publishing.

From the publisher’s description:

Hugh Hewitt - The Fourth Way“From ‘the nearly professorial power-baron of conservative media’ (Bloomberg), a handbook for how a united GOP government can solve problems and guarantee political success.

Hugh Hewitt interviewed candidate Trump fifteen times on his nationally syndicated show during the 2016 campaign and participated as a panelist in four primary debates. What he learned from those news-making moments, along with his service for two Republican Presidents and his intimate knowledge of Washington, puts him in a perfect position to spell out how Trump and a unified GOP can transform the country and earn a lasting place in history. From defense to immigration, from entitlements to health care, Hewitt outlines how the new President, with the top leaders in Congress and with allies in fifty statehouses, can use November’s stunning result to find a Fourth Way out of the gridlock and the destructive showdowns that have marked the past quarter century of American politics.”

Professor Hewitt has discussed The Fourth Way: The Conservative Playbook for a Lasting GOP Majority in a number of recent national television interviews, including Charlie Rose, MSNBC, and Yahoo News.

Professor Hugh Hewitt is a tenured faculty member at the Fowler School of Law where he has taught since it opened in 1995. He is an honors graduate in government from Harvard College and received his JD from the University of Michigan Law School where he graduated Order of the Coif. He served for nearly six years in the Reagan Administration in a variety of posts, including Assistant Counsel in the White House and Special Assistant to the Attorney General of the United States. Since returning to California in 1989 to oversee the construction of the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, Hewitt has served as a member of the California Arts Council, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the Orange County Children and Families Commission.

On February 6, 2017 Hewitt was named to the roster of contributing columnists for The Washington Post.  He is also a columnist for The Washington Examiner and Hewitt is also the host of a nationally-syndicated radio show, “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” heard in more than 120 cities across the United States every weekday morning and which has an audience estimated at more than two million listeners every week. Hewitt also writes daily for his blog,, which is among the most visited political and law blogs in the United States.

In a 2006 profile of Hewitt for The New Yorker, the dean of the Columbia University School of Journalism told his readers that Hewitt was “the most influential conservative you have never heard of.” Professor Hewitt has been a frequent guest on CNN, Fox News Network, MSNBC, Meet the Press, and Face the Nation, to name a few; and he has written for many newspapers including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times.

Professor Hewitt received three Emmys during his decade of work as co-host of the weeknight television news and public affairs show Life & Times on PBS Los Angeles affiliate KCET-TV. He also conceived of and hosted the eight-part 1996 PBS television series Searching For God In America, and he authored a companion book by the same name. Indeed, Professor Hewitt is the author of more than a dozen books, including two New York Times best sellers. Among his books are: The Queen: The Epic Ambition of Hillary and the Coming of a Second “Clinton Era” (2015); The Happiest Life: Seven Gifts, Seven Givers & the Secret to Genuine Success (2014), Talking with Pagans (2013); The Brief Against Obama: The Rise, Fall, and Epic Fail of the Hope & Change Presidency (2012); The Good and Faithful Servant: A Small Group Study on Politics and Government for Christians (2009); The Fair Tax Fantasy (2009) (with Hank Adler); GOP 5.0: Republican Renewal Under President Obama (2009); The War Against the West (2008); Letter to a Young Obama Supporter (2008); A Mormon in the White House? (2007); Painting The Map Red: The Fight To Create A Permanent Republican Majority (2006); Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That’s Changing Your World (2005); If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat (2004); In, But Not Of (2003); The Embarrassed Believer (1998); and First Principles: A Primer of Ideas for the College Bound Student (1987).

Read more here for an earlier story about Professor Hewitt’s role in the presidential primary debates for the 2016 election.