Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law professors Thomas Bell and Marisa Cianciarulo have been recognized by the University for their outstanding work in and out of the classroom. Both were honored at Chapman’s Faculty Honors Convocation on May 12.

marisa cianciaruloProfessor Cianciarulo was selected for the 2017 Valerie Scudder Award, which recognizes outstanding achievement in teaching, scholarship, advising, and service. Professor Cianciarulo teaches Civil Procedure, Gender and the Law, and Immigration Law, among other courses. In addition, she is the director of the law school’s Bette and Wylie Aitken Family Protection Clinic. Professor Cianciarulo previously served as a staff attorney with the American Bar Association’s Commission on Immigration in Washington, D.C., was a partner in a law firm specializing in immigration matters, and served as interim legal director of a non-profit immigration services provider in Arlington, Virginia. Beginning June 1, Professor Cianciarulo will become the law school’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.  Learn more about Professor Cianciarulo.

tom bellProfessor Bell was selected for the Faculty Excellence Award for Achievement in Scholarly and Creative Activity, which is given to faculty members who demonstrate excellence in one of three categories: scholarly and creative activity, service to the university, and teaching. Professor Bell specializes in high-tech legal issues and has written a variety of works on intellectual property and internet law, including the book, Intellectual Privilege: Copyright, Common Law, and the Common Good (Mercatus Center 2014). Recently, Professor Bell provided legal guidance to the non-profit Seasteading Institute that seeks to establish sustainable floating cities called “seasteading” communities. Prior to joining the Fowler School of Law faculty, Professor Bell served as Director of Telecommunications and Technology Studies at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.  Learn more about Professor Bell.