They say hindsight is 20/20. So, it’s only appropriate that as our Class of 2020 heads out into the legal world, we asked some of our recent graduates what advice they’d give (if they could) to their younger selves before they started their 1L year. We hope future law students—including those entering the Fowler School of Law this fall—find this law school advice helpful as well.

“I would tell my 1L self to continue to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone. Additionally, I would lean on 2Ls and 3Ls to get advice.”

-Haley Aanestad

“Do your own thing. Just because someone told you how to study or what you should do, that does not mean it is right for you. Take in all the suggestions and information, digest it, and then mold it to fit your style and needs. Do not waste time on something that is not working for you, merely because it works for others.”

-Jillian Friess

“It’s okay to take a break! You don’t need to be a machine working 24/7 all the time.”

-Karly Munoz

“You aren’t alone. Don’t be afraid to ask a question if you don’t understand a concept. Don’t be afraid to say you are not sure what happened in a case. Don’t be afraid to answer a cold call wrong. I guarantee the rest of the class feels the same way you do, so don’t think you’re alone.”

-Bradford Oduguwa

“I would tell myself to seize as many opportunities as possible and that not everything is about grades. It gets easier after the first year. Even if you don’t get on a competition team or Law Review, there are still plenty of opportunities to expand your horizons. I went on the record in front of an actual judge in several criminal cases, and held an executive position in the largest club on campus. I truly got to know my peers and mentor countless people in the classes below me.”

-Bailee Pelham

“The biggest piece of advice I would give would be to take advantage of every second of professors’ office hours that you possibly can. I did not do that at all during 1L year, and it really showed in my grades.  Once I started meeting with my professors, I noticed my understanding of the subjects grew, and my grades significantly improved.”

-Jamil Shaaban

“Read some supplements over the summer for each subject. It will help you to transition into your classes in the fall and help you feel more prepared for subjects you may have had no exposure to prior.”

-Holly Soliman

“Reach out to your professors and upperclassmen for help! Everyone wants you to succeed. I didn’t figure that out until my 2L year, and I know I could have done much better as a 1L if I just would have used the resources available to me.”

-Jessica Welch

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