• Brian Wilcox (’04), Director of Technology and Corporate Counsel at Feit Electric, helped the company release its first “Smart LED” product, a lighting system available in-store and online through Home Depot.
  • Rachel Reynolds (’05) made partner at the international law firm of Sedgwick Law, LLP. Over the summer she was also admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court.
  • Brandon R. Creel (’07) was appointed as an attorney with State Compensation Insurance Fund in Monterey Park, Calif.
  • Hunter Taylor (’07) was named Crime Prevention Prosecutor of the Year at the Riverside District Attorney Office’s annual Pride Awards Banquet.
  • Timothy M. Weiner (LL.M. ’10) was commissioned as a Captain in the California State Military Reserve (CSMR) and now serves with the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps based at the Joint Forces Training Base in Los Alamitos, Calif. He also works as a state prosecutor.
  • Blythe Harris (’11) married Mark McLane in a wedding officiated by Jayne Taylor Kacer. Many Fowler Law School alumni from the ’10 and ’11 graduating classes attended.

Read more alumni news.

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