On September 26, Dean Campbell and law students from the Business and Investment Law Society, Entrepreneurial Law Society, and Entertainment and Sports Law Society took a trip to Dodger Stadium to meet the General Counsel for the Dodgers, Santiago “Sam” Fernandez.

Fernandez, who also serves on the advisory board for Chapman Law’s Business Law Emphasis Program, gave students a unique and unforgettable presentation from the bleachers right in front of the iconic Dodgers’ baseball field. Brandon Howard, a second-year law student and President of the Business and Investment Law Society said, “One of the best parts was getting to go down onto the field and through the dugout.” Brandon explained that becoming general counsel for the Dodgers or a similar sports team would be a dream job.

At the Dodger Stadium visit, Fernandez taught students about the intricacies of sponsorship contracts, player contracts, employment law, dealing with vendors and business operations. Brandon mentioned that his 1L contracts class provided him with a solid foundation for understanding these legal issues and the general counsel tours offer additional help in decoding complex concepts in business law. He added, “seeing the general counsel offices and talking in their natural environment is something you can’t get when they come to the University to speak. We received special access that others could not get.”

Past visits have included corporations such as Cisco Systems, Inc and Newegg, where Chapman Law students have received detailed presentations by the general counsels. Because they also serve on the advisory board, these mentors have provided Chapman students with extra information about the paths to take in law school and beyond in order to become successful business lawyers.

At the end of the tour, students learned that when you are general counsel, you’re not just an attorney—you are part of the business. This was especially apparent to Brandon and others who are currently taking an accounting class taught by a Chapman MBA professor. After hearing Fernandez tell students that he is heavily involved in the operational side of the Dodgers, Brandon is glad to be learning how to analyze the financial health of an organization from a business perspective.