On Monday, December 9, 2013, the Fowler School of Law, U.S. Department of Commerce, and China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) co-hosted the 18th Annual U.S.-China Legal Exchange (“Exchange”) at the law school. The Exchange centered around Chinese Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Law and Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship in China, including Private Equity and Venture Capital.

“The event highlights the business-friendly nature of the law school and university and shows our growing relationship with the Department of Commerce,” explained Fowler Law Assistant Dean of Career Services Suzanna Adelizi. “The DOC has expressed hope to partner again with Chapman for other types of programs,” she added.

Brett Gerson, Attorney-Advisor in the Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce noted, “From my perspective, after organizing nine U.S.-China Legal Exchanges, the program held at Chapman was one of the most successful in terms of professionalism, discussion, attendance, venue, and terrific colleagues to work with.” 

Adelizi remarked, “It is the Dean’s mission to educate young lawyers who will be supportive of business. We want to welcome other partners in the community—law firms, businesses, and government agencies—to make use of our resources to help them reach their goals and to enrich students’ education.”

Both the DOC Acting General Counsel Justin Antonipillai and MOFCMO Assistant Minister Zhang Xiangchen spoke at the event. Adelizi said that Fowler Law professors Lan Cao, an international trade specialist, and Deepa Badrinarayna, a rising environmental law specialist, both moderated and spoke during the event. During the afternoon session, Professor Richard Sudek from the Leatherby Entrepreneurship Center at Chapman University gave opening remarks.

The Exchange also allowed local importers and exporters looking for business opportunities in China to network with important contacts. Only three U.S. locations were selected for Exchanges this year, in Boston, Washington, D.C., and at the Fowler School of Law in Orange County. The event at the Fowler School of Law drew business people from mulitple states.

Adelizi hopes that the Exchange will help foster “successful business-building relationships in the community with law firms, government agencies and non-profits to work together.” This benefits the students, graduates, and the institution as a whole,” she said.

Related blog posts: https://blogs.chapman.edu/law/2013/12/05/chapman-to-host-the-18th-annual-u-s-china-legal-exchange/