The main reason I wanted to run the Boston Marathon this year was to show the resilience and character of runners. Additionally, I wanted to support and give strength to the Boston community after the tragedy at the finish line last year. This year was
the 118th Boston Marathon
and included 36,000 runners, the second largest only to the 100th Boston Marathon. That is redemption – this year we took back the finish line that was taken from us last year.

I was overwhelmed and inspired at how many people were there cheering on the runners. In the entire 26.2 mile course there wasn’t a stretch of more than 10 yards without somebody cheering from the side of the street. As we raced, the crowds swelled to 5-10 people deep on each side of the road. By the finish, the crowd was 15 people deep, with grandstands too. Spectators held “Boston Strong” signs and American flags; children gave cups of water, oranges and high fives to the runners. It was unbelievable. During the race, I repeatedly got chills from the cheering and masses of people.

To me, the fans who returned in force to cheer on the runners showed the most strength and courage by coming back this year.

I will never forget one particularly inspiring moment during this year’s race. The highlight was having my girlfriend, Elizabeth, cheering me on at mile 22. When I spotted her in the cheering crowd, I gave her an exuberant high-five and then got the biggest rush of adrenaline ever. The last 4 miles were killing my legs, but having the support of my girlfriend in the crowd was what pushed me to the finish. The second biggest moment for me was as I approached the last quarter-mile toward the finish. I could hardly move my arms – let alone lift them – but I lifted my arms to get the crowd to cheer and they responded. They cheered at me and the other runners. I felt their energy pushing me that last stretch to the finish. My body was numb and my legs were throbbing, but hearing their cheers brought a big smile to my face. I still get chills thinking about that moment nearing the finish line.

This was my first Boston Marathon and it was awesome to be part of a race that was
won by an American for the first time in 31 years
. One important fact about Boston is that it is the only marathon in the world where you must qualify first before you can run it. I was able to qualify at my first attempt last summer during the Santa Rosa Marathon. I run every day, about 50-80 miles per week. With law school class, reading, projects, and studying, the best time to run is the morning. I’m up at 6 a.m. and out the door for a run by 6:20 a.m.

My Results from the Race

I placed 619th out of 36,000. My time was 2:45:30 for the 26.2 mile Boston course. That is a 6:19 min/mile average pace. My splits during the race were recorded as follows:

  • 10km time 39:11 (pace 6:18)
  • Half-marathon time 1:22:19 (pace 6:16)
  • 30km time 1:57:23 (pace 6:17)
  • finish 2:45:30 (pace 6:18)

I am truly blessed to have such a great support system of family and friends who encourage and motivate me every day with their love and support. Thank you all.

About Clark Selters

Clark Selters
(JD ’15)
received his B.S. in finance from California Polytechnic State University, Pomona. He was a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II athlete competing in Cross Country as well as Track and Field during his years in college. Selters ran the 8k and 10k for Cross Country; and the 5k and 10k for Track and Field. He received a partial scholarship from the California Polytechnic State University Athletics Department by his senior year.