Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Bolinger Chair in Real Estate, Land Use and Environmental Law at Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law, Daniel Bogart co-authored the law textbook

Property Law Practice, Problems, and Perspectives
with Jerry L. Anderson, a Drake University Law School professor. The book has just been published by Aspen Law School Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

According to the authors, their first year property text is intended to be truly contemporary and enjoyable. Their text requires students to become familiar with the considerable body of legal rules and doctrine that make up property law. The authors aspired to do more than provide a solid platform for teaching and learning doctrine, as crucial as that objective is to a first year course.

Professors Bogart and Anderson worked hard to make this intellectually challenging material as accessible as possible. Their book departs from other texts by focusing on
in addition to
. The authors helped script a series of associated videos that demonstrate the effect of legal rules in practice, and perhaps more importantly, to begin a conversation in the first year about what it means to be a professional and ethical practitioner. They enthusiastically embrace the task of training law students as attorneys.

Professors Bogart and Anderson also focus on policy issues because, in practice, lawyers consider policy to resolve property issues they regularly encounter in their professional lives. They each have been teaching Property law for many years, and in their text they demonstrate the connection between
traditional, historic cases
and the
modern world
. Property law is near and dear to the hearts of both professors, and in their book, they transmit their love for the subject.

Professor Daniel Bogart
teaches Property I & II, Commercial Leasing and Real Estate Transactions. He is past chair of the Real Estate Transactions Section of the Association of American Law Schools. He is also an elected member of the American Law Institute, and a Fellow of both the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and the American Bar Foundation.
See more of Professor Bogart’s writings.

Jerry L. Anderson
is the Richard M. and Anita Calkins Distinguished Professor of Law at Drake University Law School. His areas of expertise include Property, Administrative Law, Environmental Law and Natural Resources.