library-teachingIn the past year, the Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law Library has undergone a significant transformation in line with the strategic objectives of the law school to modernize student services, expand the research support for faculty scholarship, and streamline the tools for working lawyers.

Professor Linda Kawaguchi took over as the Director of the Fowler Law Library in 2012. After a substantial study of the then-existing library structure, she began to dramatically expand training and research tools for faculty, students and practitioners. Professor Kawaguchi noted, “All of our patrons are excited about the changes, and our faculty are eager to find new and innovative ways to enhance their scholarship with the assistance of a first rate, professional library staff.”

With respect to the student body, increased staff and expanded resources have improved capabilities to train students in research skills that will be vital in their future practice of law. The law librarians teach students both scholarly and practical research skills — to succeed in law school now and as practicing attorneys in the future.

As Professor Kawaguchi notes, “we’ve put together a great team here in the new Fowler Law Library, and it is showing substantial results. We are excited about how much more we can do to enhance the already significant research culture through this new commitment of resources.” The expanded
law library team includes the following new specialists hired by Professor Kawaguchi to help in this impressive transformation:

    • Associate Director for Library Services – Brendan Starkey has a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) and JD. He has worked in the law libraries at Seattle University School of Law, Whittier Law School and University of California, Irvine School of Law. He also practiced law at DLA Piper for five years.



      Brendan Starkey

      “I oversee the public face of the library. We circulate library materials, provide research assistance and instruction, and generally make sure the library is an inviting place to study.”

    • Systems/Technology Librarian – Seong Heon Lee has an MLIS in addition to years of experience programming and building library systems.



      Seong Heon Lee

      “I am the systems administrator for our Integrated Library System. I coordinate library technologies to enhance user access to information resources in the law library.”

    • Research/Instruction Librarian for Faculty Services – Sherry Leysen has an MLIS and JD. She has worked in law libraries at Loyola Law School and the University of Washington School of Law. She also practiced law for seven years before that.



      Sherry Leysen

      “My role is to coordinate the law library’s research and reference services in support of faculty scholarship and teaching. Typical activities include in-depth research, training on research databases and giving guest lectures on specialized research topics and sources in support of classes and clinics.”

    • Collection Management Librarian – Rachel Decker has an MLIS and came to Fowler School of Law from the University of California, Los Angeles Law Library.



      Rachel Decker

      “I work behind the scenes to help evaluate, select and provide access to library materials in print and online. My team has two library assistants who help acquire, catalog, process, and maintain the collection as well as work to improve the library catalog so our patrons not only have access to what they need, but can find it!”

    • Research/Instruction Librarians – Matthew Flyntz and Heather Joy both have JDs and recently received their MLIS from the University of Washington, Law Librarianship Program.



      Matthew Flyntz



      Heather Joy

      “We help students find and use pertinent resources, tackle the research process, and navigate the Bluebook. You’ll see us in your classes teaching specialized research skills, and we assist faculty members with in-depth and wide-ranging research. Legal research can be a pain – we’re here to make it easier!”


    • Circulation Librarian – David Moody has a MLIS and has worked in the Orange County Public Libraries system for many years.



      David Moody

      “I manage the law library student workers who assist library patrons; user library accounts; and make sure the library doors are open and things are running smoothly.”

In less than six months the law library has:

    • Completed over 160 research requests for approximately 30 faculty members
    • Taught research training sessions to individual faculty, research assistants, faculty assistants, colleagues at Leatherby Libraries, and for our law clinics and doctrinal courses
    • Offered a Legal Research Boot Camp for students heading out to summer jobs last May

The law library has also focused on strengthening its collection of legal databases, expanding the universe of legal information available to students, faculty and working lawyers. The law librarians are busy promoting and training students on the wealth of content available on legal databases such as Bloomberg Law, Proquest, HeinOnline, and Westlaw Next. As more resources become available electronically, the law library is capitalizing on these efficiencies not just in research effectiveness, but also in its physical environment by actively redesigning the physical space — expanding study space for students and otherwise making the library a comfortable and productive environment for its patrons.

Learn more about the law library at Fowler School of Law

Linda Kawaguchi has two decades of law school library experience, including positions at the University of California Berkeley School of Law; University of Washington, School of Law; University of Michigan Law School; and Gonzaga University School of Law. She attended the University of Washington, where she received a M.S. in Library Science and the University of Idaho, where she received her JD. She is a member of the American Association of Law Libraries, American Bar Association, Association of American Law Schools, and serves as Vice-President on the Board of Trustees for the Orange County Public Law Library. She has presented numerous papers on advanced legal research, critical thinking and legislative intent. She teaches advanced legal research at the Fowler School of Law.