telerik-web-ui-webresourceChapman University Fowler School of Law Professor Ronald D. Rotunda is ranked in the 2015 U.S. News and World Report - Best LawyersBest Law Firms” list as well as the “Best Lawyers 2015 Survey Results” in the 2015 Los Angeles Best Lawyers Magazine. Professor Rotunda was listed in the Ethics & Professional Responsibility Law section for both publications.

U.S. News and World Report 

Best Lawyers
“Best Law Firms” and the “Best Lawyers Survey Results” in Los Angeles
Best Lawyers
Magazine are rankings based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes peer review from leading attorneys in their field. Professor Rotunda has been on both lists for the past five consecutive years.

rotunda_rRonald D. Rotunda
is the Doy & Dee Henley Chair and Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence. He has co-authored the most widely used course book on legal ethics,
Problems and Materials on Professional Responsibility
(Foundation Press, 11th ed., 2011). He is also the co-author of
Legal Ethics: The Lawyer’s Deskbook on Professional Responsibility
(American Bar Association and West Group, 10th ed., 2012). He has written several other books and more than 350 articles in various law reviews, journals, newspapers, and books in this country and in Europe. He teaches Constitutional Law I and II and Professional Responsibility at the Fowler School of Law.