Janine KimChapman University Fowler School of Law Professor Janine Young Kim has been selected as the inaugural Wylie A. Aitken Professor of Law, Race, and Social Justice. This new professorship, established by nationally recognized Top 100 trial lawyer and Chapman University Board of Trustees Chair Emeritus Wylie A. Aitken, supports a faculty member whose teaching, scholarship and/or service furthers Chapman University’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice.

Professor Kim’s teaching and scholarship focus on issues of race and social justice, and she has gained a national reputation for her scholarly work in these areas. Additionally, Professor Kim will be co-advisor to the law school’s Diversity and Social Justice Forum beginning next academic year.

Read more about this landmark professorship and the leadership the Fowler School of Law exhibits in areas of diversity, equity and inclusion at the Chapman Newsroom.