The Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law St. Thomas More Society pledged this month to collect 1,000 pounds of pasta and pasta sauce as part of the KFI-AM 640 annual radiothon to benefit Caterina’s Club. Caterina’s Club, founded by Anaheim’s White House Restaurant owner and chef Bruno Serato, provides more than 1,200 local children, motel kids, with warm meals each night throughout the year. The motel kids are underprivileged children of families who don’t have a permanent home and often live in cheap motels. These families are often left with the choice to house themselves in safety, or eat dinner. Sometimes, kids will only get one meal a day, and that is provided by Chef Bruno and Caterina’s Club.

“Our involvement in the pasta drive came about as a dream of ours to simply do more for our community. The pasta drive to benefit Caterina’s Club seemed like the kind of local need that we as a law school could directly and substantially affect through our generosity,” said St. Thomas More Society Vice-President Victor Bachand (JD ’16).

Bachand has also challenged Fowler School of Law staff and faculty to collect 500 pounds to help the student organization reach its goal.

Drop your donations in the Kennedy Hall lobby before next Thursday, November 12, to make a small difference in the Orange County community! Any style of unopened dry pasta or marinara sauce is welcome.