professor bazyler with book coverProfessor of Law and 1939 Society Law Scholar in Holocaust and Human Rights Studies at Chapman University Fowler School of Law Michael Bazyler will discuss his latest book, Holocaust, Genocide, and the Law: A Quest for Justice in a Post-Holocaust World (Oxford University Press, November 2016), tomorrow evening as part of the Hugh and Hazel Darling Law Library Book Talk series. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the law school’s Kennedy Hall lobby at 5 p.m.

Professor Bazyler’s work examines the background of the Holocaust and genocide through the prism of the law; the criminal and civil prosecution of the Nazis and their collaborators for Holocaust-era crimes; and contemporary attempts to criminally prosecute perpetrators for the crime of genocide. Together, these subjects establish a new legal discipline, which Professor Bazyler labels “Post-Holocaust Law.”

The Hugh and Hazel Darling Law Library Book Talk series welcomes authors on a wide range of legal topics to address the law school community throughout the year.

A book signing and reception will follow the talk.