Professor Kochan Prints Op-Ed on Gift Cards

August 10, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Donald Kochan co-wrote an op-ed in the Los Angeles Daily Journal, entitled “Card Sharks.”   The article discusses how some states confiscate remaining balances on unused gift cards under the theories of escheat and abandonment. Kochan stated, “But for state laws to define non-use as abandonment raises serious concerns about the definition of private property,


Professor Eggert Quoted in Article on Mortgages

August 6, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in an article in St. Petersburg Times entitled, “Government’s hired mortgage servicers have checkered pasts.”  The article discusses how mortgage servicers are in the best position to rework loan terms under President Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program but they face lawsuits for illegal practices. Eggert said, “There is no question that


CA Department of AMVETS Approves Chapman Clinic

July 30, 2009 by | General News

The California Department of AMVETS, a national nonprofit veterans support group founded by World War II veterans, approved a 5-year $2.5 million commitment to Chapman University School of Law’s Military Personnel Law Center and AMVETS Legal Clinic.  Their generous donation will help the law center and clinic to continue providing free legal representation to military


Professor Campbell Interviewed on Recession

July 29, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Tom Campbell was the subject of a video interview entitled, “Reason.tv: After Arnold: California gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell on fixing the Golden State and embracing for inflation.” In the interview, Campbell says that the yearlong flurry of stimulus packages and bailouts “built up a tailwind for inflation.” Campbell also discusses his views on marijuana


LA Times Features Chapman Alumnus

July 24, 2009 by | Alumni

A Los Angeles Times article entitled, “Emmett Ashford made history; will he make Hall of Fame?” featured the late Chapman alumnus Emmett Ashford, who broke the color barrier for major league umpires back in 1965.  His daughter, Adrienne Bratton, with support from Chapman students and Jackie Robinson’s widow, is trying to get him into the


ABA Journal Quotes Professor Bell

July 24, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Tom Bell was quoted in an article in the ABA Journal  entitled, “Do Law Schools Fudge the Data Reported to US News?”  The article refers to Professor Bell’s statistical model of law school rankings that is based on information provided to the American Bar Association. The model’s scores fit closely with the scores generated


Professor Rosenthal Filed Brief in Supreme Court

July 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Lawrence Rosenthal, working with the State and Local Legal Center in Washington, D.C., filed a brief in the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the National Association of Counties, the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the International City/County Management Association, and the International Municipal Law Association in the case


Professor Campbell Is Subject of Article

July 10, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Tom Campbell was the subject of an article entitled, “Gubernatorial hopeful Tom Campbell outlines budget fixes: Former Stanford professor and congressman advocates cuts and gas tax.” The article details Campbell’s proposals to restore the Gann limit, to apply an automatic five-year sunset on state regulations, and for litigation reform. Campbell said, “If we

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